House Prices in Charnwood
There are 8 postcode districts in Charnwood. Please see below for average and median house prices in each postcode district.
The average price of houses in LE11 is £299,945 (median £266,000). The average house prices of flats is £157,664 (median £146,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £218,979 (median £200,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £256,022 (median £244,000) and average prices of detached houses is £421,589 (median £390,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE11
The average price of houses in LE12 is £406,758 (median £307,000). The average house prices of flats is £166,045 (median £147,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £497,803 (median £424,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £358,528 (median £251,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £233,518 (median £214,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE14 is £421,908 (median £356,500). The average house prices of flats is £142,846 (median £128,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £541,061 (median £483,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £283,979 (median £241,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £230,356 (median £198,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE4 is £266,403 (median £253,000). The average house prices of flats is £147,095 (median £142,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £218,864 (median £214,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £257,999 (median £256,000) and average prices of detached houses is £366,693 (median £336,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE5 is £315,045 (median £277,000). The average house prices of flats is £150,474 (median £133,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £310,041 (median £282,000), average prices of terraced houses is £226,290 (median £220,000) and average prices of detached houses is £445,424 (median £424,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE5
The average price of houses in LE6 is £373,989 (median £319,000). The average house prices of flats is £151,403 (median £147,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £282,200 (median £274,000), average prices of detached houses is £464,077 (median £403,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £239,971 (median £227,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE6
The average price of houses in LE67 is £292,078 (median £258,000). The average house prices of flats is £129,571 (median £114,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £387,617 (median £349,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £230,130 (median £223,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £173,022 (median £164,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE67
The average price of houses in LE7 is £402,779 (median £335,000). The average house prices of flats is £169,753 (median £152,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £241,582 (median £218,000), average prices of detached houses is £522,827 (median £451,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £291,062 (median £273,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE7
House Prices in LE11
There are 26,528 properties in the postcode district LE11 which includes 21,243 Houses and 5,285 Flats.The average price of houses in LE11 is £299,945 (median £266,000). The average house prices of flats is £157,664 (median £146,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £218,979 (median £200,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £256,022 (median £244,000) and average prices of detached houses is £421,589 (median £390,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE12
There are 32,563 properties in the postcode district LE12 which includes 29,137 Houses and 3,426 Flats.The average price of houses in LE12 is £406,758 (median £307,000). The average house prices of flats is £166,045 (median £147,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £497,803 (median £424,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £358,528 (median £251,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £233,518 (median £214,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE14
There are 10,007 properties in the postcode district LE14 which includes 7,138 Houses and 2,869 Flats.The average price of houses in LE14 is £421,908 (median £356,500). The average house prices of flats is £142,846 (median £128,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £541,061 (median £483,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £283,979 (median £241,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £230,356 (median £198,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE14
House Prices in LE4
There are 41,193 properties in the postcode district LE4 which includes 35,282 Houses and 5,911 Flats.The average price of houses in LE4 is £266,403 (median £253,000). The average house prices of flats is £147,095 (median £142,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £218,864 (median £214,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £257,999 (median £256,000) and average prices of detached houses is £366,693 (median £336,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE5
There are 32,644 properties in the postcode district LE5 which includes 28,268 Houses and 4,376 Flats.The average price of houses in LE5 is £315,045 (median £277,000). The average house prices of flats is £150,474 (median £133,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £310,041 (median £282,000), average prices of terraced houses is £226,290 (median £220,000) and average prices of detached houses is £445,424 (median £424,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE6
There are 5,471 properties in the postcode district LE6 which includes 5,091 Houses and 380 Flats.The average price of houses in LE6 is £373,989 (median £319,000). The average house prices of flats is £151,403 (median £147,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £282,200 (median £274,000), average prices of detached houses is £464,077 (median £403,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £239,971 (median £227,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE67
There are 30,406 properties in the postcode district LE67 which includes 27,889 Houses and 2,517 Flats.The average price of houses in LE67 is £292,078 (median £258,000). The average house prices of flats is £129,571 (median £114,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £387,617 (median £349,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £230,130 (median £223,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £173,022 (median £164,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE67
House Prices in LE7
There are 23,426 properties in the postcode district LE7 which includes 20,932 Houses and 2,494 Flats.The average price of houses in LE7 is £402,779 (median £335,000). The average house prices of flats is £169,753 (median £152,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £241,582 (median £218,000), average prices of detached houses is £522,827 (median £451,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £291,062 (median £273,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
More Details for LE7
Streets and Buildings in Charnwood
Following is the list of all streets and buildings arranged by locality and towns in your local authority Charnwood, East Midlands.
To find your property, click on building/street name below or search your address, building or street on the search bar available on top header.
Showing 1 - 100 of 3,030 streets/buildings