House Prices in LE11 1, Loughborough
There are 5,622 properties in the sector LE11 1, Loughborough and there are 3,396 houses and 2,226 flats in this sector.
The average price of houses in this sector is £207,535 (median £193,000). The average house prices of flats in this sector is £166,461 (median £152,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £193,129 (median £183,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £211,802 (median £206,000) and average prices of detached houses is £319,653 (median £315,500).
The average prices of B council tax band properties is £195,895 (median £194,500), average prices of A council tax band properties is £161,712 (median £163,000), average prices of E council tax band properties is £336,949 (median £331,000), average prices of C council tax band properties is £258,588 (median £254,000) and average prices of D council tax band properties is £313,870 (median £321,500).
Showing 1 - 10 of 5,697 results The average price of houses in this sector is £207,535 (median £193,000). The average house prices of flats in this sector is £166,461 (median £152,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £193,129 (median £183,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £211,802 (median £206,000) and average prices of detached houses is £319,653 (median £315,500).
The average prices of B council tax band properties is £195,895 (median £194,500), average prices of A council tax band properties is £161,712 (median £163,000), average prices of E council tax band properties is £336,949 (median £331,000), average prices of C council tax band properties is £258,588 (median £254,000) and average prices of D council tax band properties is £313,870 (median £321,500).