House Prices in Hinckley And Bosworth
There are 12 postcode districts in Hinckley And Bosworth. Please see below for average and median house prices in each postcode district.
The average price of houses in CV10 is £242,407 (median £223,000). The average house prices of flats is £131,531 (median £118,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £220,026 (median £215,000), average prices of terraced houses is £172,103 (median £164,000) and average prices of detached houses is £342,496 (median £320,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in CV11 is £300,471 (median £284,000). The average house prices of flats is £122,718 (median £113,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £402,497 (median £380,000), average prices of terraced houses is £172,339 (median £163,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £261,507 (median £243,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in CV13 is £481,054 (median £398,000). The average house prices of flats is £267,155 (median £246,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £327,214 (median £296,000), average prices of detached houses is £616,918 (median £534,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £274,688 (median £232,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in CV9 is £323,182 (median £266,000). The average house prices of flats is £134,506 (median £120,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £196,720 (median £183,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £244,982 (median £225,000) and average prices of detached houses is £458,691 (median £395,500). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in DE12 is £330,809 (median £284,000). The average house prices of flats is £130,373 (median £119,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £427,301 (median £383,500), average prices of terraced houses is £189,363 (median £181,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £243,714 (median £226,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE10 is £329,935 (median £291,000). The average house prices of flats is £143,383 (median £135,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £441,715 (median £408,000), average prices of terraced houses is £216,540 (median £202,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £263,351 (median £256,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE19 is £334,465 (median £304,000). The average house prices of flats is £187,201 (median £196,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £274,470 (median £267,000), average prices of detached houses is £423,253 (median £400,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £245,016 (median £223,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE3 is £276,605 (median £249,000). The average house prices of flats is £187,427 (median £149,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £253,772 (median £249,000), average prices of terraced houses is £213,152 (median £200,000) and average prices of detached houses is £414,694 (median £379,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE6 is £372,317 (median £318,000). The average house prices of flats is £152,435 (median £148,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £461,747 (median £401,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £281,056 (median £273,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £239,934 (median £227,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE67 is £294,130 (median £260,000). The average house prices of flats is £133,401 (median £118,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £232,205 (median £224,000), average prices of detached houses is £389,208 (median £351,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £175,316 (median £166,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE8 is £388,809 (median £331,000). The average house prices of flats is £164,078 (median £148,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £490,211 (median £434,000), average prices of terraced houses is £256,758 (median £239,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £293,860 (median £278,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in LE9 is £340,888 (median £294,000). The average house prices of flats is £135,815 (median £123,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £260,605 (median £254,000), average prices of terraced houses is £206,670 (median £199,000) and average prices of detached houses is £450,019 (median £402,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in CV10
There are 25,124 properties in the postcode district CV10 which includes 22,061 Houses and 3,063 Flats.The average price of houses in CV10 is £242,407 (median £223,000). The average house prices of flats is £131,531 (median £118,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £220,026 (median £215,000), average prices of terraced houses is £172,103 (median £164,000) and average prices of detached houses is £342,496 (median £320,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in CV11
There are 19,099 properties in the postcode district CV11 which includes 16,057 Houses and 3,042 Flats.The average price of houses in CV11 is £300,471 (median £284,000). The average house prices of flats is £122,718 (median £113,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £402,497 (median £380,000), average prices of terraced houses is £172,339 (median £163,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £261,507 (median £243,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in CV13
There are 5,394 properties in the postcode district CV13 which includes 4,652 Houses and 742 Flats.The average price of houses in CV13 is £481,054 (median £398,000). The average house prices of flats is £267,155 (median £246,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £327,214 (median £296,000), average prices of detached houses is £616,918 (median £534,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £274,688 (median £232,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in CV9
There are 10,813 properties in the postcode district CV9 which includes 9,024 Houses and 1,789 Flats.The average price of houses in CV9 is £323,182 (median £266,000). The average house prices of flats is £134,506 (median £120,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £196,720 (median £183,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £244,982 (median £225,000) and average prices of detached houses is £458,691 (median £395,500). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in DE12
There are 10,488 properties in the postcode district DE12 which includes 9,242 Houses and 1,246 Flats.The average price of houses in DE12 is £330,809 (median £284,000). The average house prices of flats is £130,373 (median £119,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £427,301 (median £383,500), average prices of terraced houses is £189,363 (median £181,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £243,714 (median £226,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE10
There are 25,158 properties in the postcode district LE10 which includes 21,893 Houses and 3,265 Flats.The average price of houses in LE10 is £329,935 (median £291,000). The average house prices of flats is £143,383 (median £135,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £441,715 (median £408,000), average prices of terraced houses is £216,540 (median £202,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £263,351 (median £256,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE19
There are 7,528 properties in the postcode district LE19 which includes 6,860 Houses and 668 Flats.The average price of houses in LE19 is £334,465 (median £304,000). The average house prices of flats is £187,201 (median £196,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £274,470 (median £267,000), average prices of detached houses is £423,253 (median £400,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £245,016 (median £223,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE3
There are 47,315 properties in the postcode district LE3 which includes 38,395 Houses and 8,920 Flats.The average price of houses in LE3 is £276,605 (median £249,000). The average house prices of flats is £187,427 (median £149,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £253,772 (median £249,000), average prices of terraced houses is £213,152 (median £200,000) and average prices of detached houses is £414,694 (median £379,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE6
There are 5,472 properties in the postcode district LE6 which includes 5,092 Houses and 380 Flats.The average price of houses in LE6 is £372,317 (median £318,000). The average house prices of flats is £152,435 (median £148,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £461,747 (median £401,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £281,056 (median £273,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £239,934 (median £227,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE67
There are 30,444 properties in the postcode district LE67 which includes 27,927 Houses and 2,517 Flats.The average price of houses in LE67 is £294,130 (median £260,000). The average house prices of flats is £133,401 (median £118,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £232,205 (median £224,000), average prices of detached houses is £389,208 (median £351,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £175,316 (median £166,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE8
There are 18,598 properties in the postcode district LE8 which includes 16,914 Houses and 1,684 Flats.The average price of houses in LE8 is £388,809 (median £331,000). The average house prices of flats is £164,078 (median £148,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £490,211 (median £434,000), average prices of terraced houses is £256,758 (median £239,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £293,860 (median £278,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in LE9
There are 27,351 properties in the postcode district LE9 which includes 24,578 Houses and 2,773 Flats.The average price of houses in LE9 is £340,888 (median £294,000). The average house prices of flats is £135,815 (median £123,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £260,605 (median £254,000), average prices of terraced houses is £206,670 (median £199,000) and average prices of detached houses is £450,019 (median £402,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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Streets and Buildings in Hinckley And Bosworth
Following is the list of all streets and buildings arranged by locality and towns in your local authority Hinckley And Bosworth, East Midlands.
To find your property, click on building/street name below or search your address, building or street on the search bar available on top header.
Showing 1901 - 2000 of 2,005 streets/buildings