House Prices in Bolsover
There are 13 postcode districts in Bolsover. Please see below for average and median house prices in each postcode district.
The average price of houses in DE1 is £248,250 (median £211,000). The average house prices of flats is £156,020 (median £154,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £251,042 (median £209,000), average prices of detached houses is £421,783 (median £321,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £229,200 (median £204,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in DE5 is £250,757 (median £224,000). The average house prices of flats is £120,739 (median £122,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £339,306 (median £309,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £207,116 (median £200,500) and average prices of terraced houses is £158,723 (median £149,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in DE55 is £233,027 (median £202,000). The average house prices of flats is £104,009 (median £89,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £181,146 (median £174,000), average prices of terraced houses is £142,903 (median £129,000) and average prices of detached houses is £331,169 (median £303,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in NG16 is £250,748 (median £225,000). The average house prices of flats is £136,244 (median £129,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £325,487 (median £296,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £202,166 (median £195,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £152,222 (median £144,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in NG19 is £217,333 (median £199,000). The average house prices of flats is £111,613 (median £104,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £296,112 (median £275,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £181,697 (median £176,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £126,434 (median £116,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in NG20 is £173,107 (median £158,000). The average house prices of flats is £102,174 (median £94,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £162,078 (median £157,000), average prices of terraced houses is £113,635 (median £107,000) and average prices of detached houses is £271,299 (median £251,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in S21 is £246,582 (median £218,000). The average house prices of flats is £135,634 (median £106,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £192,498 (median £187,000), average prices of terraced houses is £164,542 (median £153,000) and average prices of detached houses is £341,854 (median £308,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in S31 is £318,200 (median £368,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £318,200 (median £368,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in S42 is £298,187 (median £260,000). The average house prices of flats is £159,719 (median £124,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £157,406 (median £137,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £204,308 (median £191,000) and average prices of detached houses is £385,823 (median £341,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in S43 is £214,955 (median £187,000). The average house prices of flats is £108,871 (median £103,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £316,793 (median £289,000), average prices of terraced houses is £130,914 (median £126,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £171,522 (median £167,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in S44 is £222,745 (median £194,000). The average house prices of flats is £113,951 (median £100,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £337,168 (median £297,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £179,280 (median £177,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £128,405 (median £121,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in S45 is £258,056 (median £207,000). The average house prices of flats is £133,407 (median £116,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £378,294 (median £304,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £194,703 (median £176,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £146,218 (median £126,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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The average price of houses in S80 is £207,370 (median £163,000). The average house prices of flats is £102,562 (median £89,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £162,207 (median £150,000), average prices of detached houses is £341,978 (median £304,500) and average prices of terraced houses is £114,077 (median £104,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in DE1
There are 10,096 properties in the postcode district DE1 which includes 4,140 Houses and 5,956 Flats.The average price of houses in DE1 is £248,250 (median £211,000). The average house prices of flats is £156,020 (median £154,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £251,042 (median £209,000), average prices of detached houses is £421,783 (median £321,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £229,200 (median £204,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in DE5
There are 11,239 properties in the postcode district DE5 which includes 10,156 Houses and 1,083 Flats.The average price of houses in DE5 is £250,757 (median £224,000). The average house prices of flats is £120,739 (median £122,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £339,306 (median £309,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £207,116 (median £200,500) and average prices of terraced houses is £158,723 (median £149,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in DE55
There are 26,206 properties in the postcode district DE55 which includes 23,994 Houses and 2,212 Flats.The average price of houses in DE55 is £233,027 (median £202,000). The average house prices of flats is £104,009 (median £89,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £181,146 (median £174,000), average prices of terraced houses is £142,903 (median £129,000) and average prices of detached houses is £331,169 (median £303,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in NG16
There are 30,327 properties in the postcode district NG16 which includes 27,969 Houses and 2,358 Flats.The average price of houses in NG16 is £250,748 (median £225,000). The average house prices of flats is £136,244 (median £129,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £325,487 (median £296,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £202,166 (median £195,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £152,222 (median £144,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in NG19
There are 25,431 properties in the postcode district NG19 which includes 23,518 Houses and 1,913 Flats.The average price of houses in NG19 is £217,333 (median £199,000). The average house prices of flats is £111,613 (median £104,500). The average house prices of detached houses is £296,112 (median £275,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £181,697 (median £176,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £126,434 (median £116,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in NG20
There are 11,298 properties in the postcode district NG20 which includes 10,518 Houses and 780 Flats.The average price of houses in NG20 is £173,107 (median £158,000). The average house prices of flats is £102,174 (median £94,000). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £162,078 (median £157,000), average prices of terraced houses is £113,635 (median £107,000) and average prices of detached houses is £271,299 (median £251,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in S21
There are 9,513 properties in the postcode district S21 which includes 8,573 Houses and 940 Flats.The average price of houses in S21 is £246,582 (median £218,000). The average house prices of flats is £135,634 (median £106,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £192,498 (median £187,000), average prices of terraced houses is £164,542 (median £153,000) and average prices of detached houses is £341,854 (median £308,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in S31
There are 8 properties in the postcode district S31 which includes 6 Houses and 2 Flats.The average price of houses in S31 is £318,200 (median £368,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £318,200 (median £368,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in S42
There are 14,757 properties in the postcode district S42 which includes 13,645 Houses and 1,112 Flats.The average price of houses in S42 is £298,187 (median £260,000). The average house prices of flats is £159,719 (median £124,000). The average house prices of terraced houses is £157,406 (median £137,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £204,308 (median £191,000) and average prices of detached houses is £385,823 (median £341,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in S43
There are 19,667 properties in the postcode district S43 which includes 17,640 Houses and 2,027 Flats.The average price of houses in S43 is £214,955 (median £187,000). The average house prices of flats is £108,871 (median £103,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £316,793 (median £289,000), average prices of terraced houses is £130,914 (median £126,000) and average prices of semi detached houses is £171,522 (median £167,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in S44
There are 11,122 properties in the postcode district S44 which includes 10,184 Houses and 938 Flats.The average price of houses in S44 is £222,745 (median £194,000). The average house prices of flats is £113,951 (median £100,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £337,168 (median £297,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £179,280 (median £177,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £128,405 (median £121,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in S45
There are 7,410 properties in the postcode district S45 which includes 6,503 Houses and 907 Flats.The average price of houses in S45 is £258,056 (median £207,000). The average house prices of flats is £133,407 (median £116,000). The average house prices of detached houses is £378,294 (median £304,000), average prices of semi detached houses is £194,703 (median £176,000) and average prices of terraced houses is £146,218 (median £126,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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House Prices in S80
There are 15,516 properties in the postcode district S80 which includes 13,456 Houses and 2,060 Flats.The average price of houses in S80 is £207,370 (median £163,000). The average house prices of flats is £102,562 (median £89,500). The average house prices of semi detached houses is £162,207 (median £150,000), average prices of detached houses is £341,978 (median £304,500) and average prices of terraced houses is £114,077 (median £104,000). Click the link below to check average house prices by council tax bands and more details.
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Streets and Buildings in Bolsover
Following is the list of all streets and buildings arranged by locality and towns in your local authority Bolsover, East Midlands.
To find your property, click on building/street name below or search your address, building or street on the search bar available on top header.
Showing 1 - 100 of 1,065 streets/buildings